Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Today (yesterday technically) Jesse and I celebrated our 2nd married anniversary. Our friend Melvin said that he though we'd been married forever and in a sense, we have. We've been together and committed to each other since 2003. Can you believe it?
Our relationship actually developed while I was in London and he was still back home in the states. We e-mailed regularly and sent letters while I was there for the summer and fell in lurve... aww. Big J and I have been through some rough patches these few years and I'm so proud of how we've grown together instead of apart. I'm taking a cue from my friend Cho Mama (who is also celebrating her anniversary today!) and offering this quote that I like about marriage:
"To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with." ~Mark Twain
Thank you Jesse for sharing in my joy. We went to our friends' wedding this weekend and the pastor, who was my youth pastor as a kid, said this:
"When you become married, your joys are doubled and your sorrows are halved."
Thank you Jesse for doubling my joy and halfing my sorrow.
I love you. Happy Anniversary.

1 comment:

hh said...

Awww, beautiful entry.