Thursday, June 25, 2009


... there is a heaven, I'd like to think that Ed McMahon and Farrah Faucett are looking at Michael Jackson and saying, "WTF?"

Here are my true and honest feelings about today's sadness.

1. Michael Jackson was a pop icon. He was also a pedaphile. It's hard to separate one's genius and talent from one's actions as an adult and him naming his kid Prince Blanket.

2. Farrah Faucett seems to be relatively crime-free. Her son, however, is another story. Suffice it to say that I'm more sad for the fact that poor Farrah won't get her day in the sun because the world is going to erupt with an MJ lovefest... in 10 minutes.

3. Jesse said that the real mourning should be for Ed. He was a veteran and decorated pilot. he provided us years of entertainment with such shows as The Tonight Show and Star Search.

4. Lastly, death is just sad. Sometimes I think the BEST part about people having religion is not having to think about NOT existing. I'm terrified of death. You'd think that would make me become more healthy...

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