Sunday, November 25, 2012

And we're live...

Something interesting to note: I did get hired from that September 17 interview.  It's been 9 weeks since my last post and not a whole lot has happened.

I haven't been running at all.  I ran the first of October, then not again until I ran two races back to back and hurt my left foot, the I didn't run at all for about a month.  About a week before the Donut Run, I got out and did 2 miles, but damn do I dislike running in the cold.  A few folks have suggested running in the evening instead of in the morning, so I may try that.  I had a really great time running with Carmen and Elizabeth during the Donut Run. :)

On November 1, I started a No (low) Carb November.  I did AWESOMELY until November 14-- The Melting Pot Date with book club.  I ate and drank like a starving person.  Then was the RM staff meeting-- same result.  Then Thanksgiving week-- family Thursday, friends Friday, family Saturday, and now I'm going to spend the day eating all the left-overs so we can get back on track for this week.  I'm no-carbing it until the end of this competition, Dec. 9.  My goal is to get into the 180s.  Wow-- can you imagine?  I don't remember a time I saw 180 on a scale.  It was before I cared about such things.

In other news: I cut all my hair off.


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