So--- last night Jesse and I watched Alice In Wonderland as part of our "watching all our dvds" thing. It was annoying to say the least. The one we have is the TV version that was on NBC. Its one redeeming factor was the cast. Whoopi as Chesshire Cat, Martin Short as The Mad Hatter, Ben Kingsley as the Caterpillar, Hagrid and Norm from Cheers as Tweedledee and Tweedledum, and many others.
Over the past few years, I've run into "Alice" several times and every time I encounter her, I'm just not that into her. I tried to read Through the Looking Glass- fail. I tried to listen to it on tape- fail. I tried to read the script that Patrick gave me as a recommendation for the BBMS show- fail. I'm trying to get all excited about the Tim Burton film, but I really just like the cast, again.
I think one of my big problems is illogical absurdity. I'm just not smart enough to get a lot of it. I'm a rules and lines girl. You'd think as an actor I'd be all creative and quirky, but no. I need lists and handwashing. I'm also really lazy... which leads to me not wanting to go into what Lewis Caroll's little-girl-loving mind. Does ayone else struggle with this classic like I do?
Our next dvd is America's Sweethearts... maybe there's a REASON we haven't watched some of these!