Today Jesse and I began a new adventure into our DVD collection. I have a bad--or not so bad-- habit of buying movies and then never watching them. Since I just reorganized and alphabetized all our films (both DVD and VHS), we are starting at the beginning of the collection and watching the DVDs that one or both of us has not seen.
The following are what we skipped today because we've both seen them:
-10 Things I Hate About You
-40 Year Old Virgin
-About a Boy
-Addams Family
-Addams Family Values
-Addicted to Love
Then we came to Against the Ropes. A film starring Meg Ryan and Omar Epps, purchased soley because I love Meg Ryan. As it turns out, it's kind of an Erin Brockovitch type movie, only with boxing. It had terrible opening music and dialog, but got better as the story became more cliche and trite. Woman boxing manager breaking into a man's world, she loses herself in the publicity, Omas Epps gets mad at her and goes to her competition. She realizes her fault and makes a deal for him to fight for the title. The bad guy puts Omar in the ring too soon, Meg shows up at the end to give him the extra umph he needs to win. And he does. Classic.
Next on the docut is Ali (Will Smith), after skipping Airheads and PCU--because who HASN'T seen those two classics? I've seen most of Ali, but we need to watch the ending. I'll let you know how that pans out.
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