Sunday, April 15, 2012


I can't believe I lost anything this week, much less nearly 2 lbs.  I ate very poorly, was entirely stressed out by the goings on at the theatre and only ran 3 times.  I've been trying to run every other day and walk on the off days, but I think I might be able to just run every day.  Does anyone have experience with this?  I mean... don't get me wrong... I'm still doing intervals, so it's not like I'm running more than 90 second at a time.

Jesse and I also discussed this week the benefits of Weight Watchers. I was thinking of joining for the two month in the package, but I'm not sure.  A few folks recommended My Fitness Pal, but I don't know much about it.  Input welcome!

Thursday night was the worst for the eating... between the three of us, Jesse Margot and I ate three corndogs, fries, a funnel cake, a beer, two diet cokes, a hotdog and a bag of peanuts.  Good lord it was delicious, but probably not worth the calories.  It was worth her royal cuteness though...

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