Monday, August 31, 2009

Worker Bee

So today was the first day back. It wasn't terrible and only one moron came to light-- and he's not even in my building! Hizzah! I do have that burning behind my eyes headache from being in a florescent-lit, dirty, dusty building with mold and mildew everywhere, but it could have been worse.

I hate to admit it, but I love the new teachers. It makes me feel guilty, like I'm not being loyal to my old friends, but Bryan, the new art guy, is awesome. Jeannie, the new FACS teacher is so friendly and interesting. Most of the stuff I was concerned about turned out to be nothing.

Now for the moron... I shouldn't say moron. He's very intelligent. He just really annoyed me today. Today I was sitting down with the other arts folk to finalize our calendar when the band teacher says, "No, I think you need to check the HS website and make sure the date is right." I checked. It was wrong. The show that I was supposed to take my students, along with about 300 others, to see was moved back 2 weeks and NO ONE mentioned this to me. WTF?! Planning this thing is logistical nightmare for a variety of reasons, but we were going to work it out-- UNTIL NOW. The most annoying thing is that they apparently contacted our principal about the date change, so it makes it look like I'm the one who's the moron. I just want to teach my kids to love theatre and not even deal with the HS anymore.

This brings me to my real point: are theatre people really just loners who work with other people so they can achieve their own personal goals or do we REALLY ACTUALLY like working with each other? Lemme esplain... I always say that I don't think there's any way that I could work with another me. I know I can be difficult and I TRY to be easier, but damn it (Janet) I'm normally right! It frustrates me when people can't do their jobs and when people try to tell me how to do mine. I mean, can you imagine me trying to be friends with someone just like me. Yikes. So-- I like to work alone to get stuff done. Sure, I like having kids around who can complete one menial task at a time so that it saves me time in the long run, but ultimately I do the important stuff myself. Much like Jesse with the laundry. My poor husband can't hang up a shirt straight to save his life.

Then again-- I like working with very creative people because they can always think of something I never would have! This is why Keith and I worked so well together in college. He was the creative genius and I was the worker bee. I don't mind being a worker bee. Maybe we just all need to find the right place to co-exist? Sigh...

1 comment:

Jack said...

I think we are alike and we are friends....