Sunday, May 3, 2009

Off the Wagon

Since it was a show week, I've allowed myself some leverage. Well... I've just been conscious of eating anything I can get my hands on when I'm hungry and avoided fast food until last night. Back on the wagon today.

I am also sick. On Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat, which isn't rare for me. I went to work because I was taking the kids to see Annie (which was cute, GO SHALANDIS!). During the show I started to get a headache and felt the shivers associated with a fever. By the time we got back to school, I was full on freezing and burning up simultaneously. I couldn't leave early because I was waiting on a check, so I just sit in the money lady's office all afternoon. When I got home, I immediately laid down in my bed to nap as long as I could before the show. I set my alarm for 5pm. You should also know that I DON'T nap. A friend of mine once tried to explain to me the benefits of a proper power nap, but I've never gotten the gist. I always make up feeling groggy and sweaty. This nap was no exception, but I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I just curled up in all my clothes, including my jacket, and slept.

When I woke up, I got out the thermometer, which gave me a temp reading of 100.1. Grr. (When I took my temp again yesterday, knowing I no longer felt the fever, it read 96.2. This makes me wonder if my temp on Friday was really 102.1!! Yikes! Incidentally, the thermometer currently reads 96.0 Go Figure.) I was half delirious, hot, tired, gross... but I still drove to Wawa to get a FRESH sandwich instead of hitting any one of the 6 fast food joints on Crater Rd. Yes! This is what I've been doing most of the week OR I've been stoping for California Rolls at Ukrops. It makes me FEEL like I'm doing better on the eating front, but I'm not sure. On days when I know I've gone over calories, I avoid Sparkpeople. It's like the good old spark is going to yell at me or something. I know it's not, but still. I've also avoided Wii Fit. I skipped Wednesday on accident. I didn't do Friday because I was sick and yesterday I laid in bed until close to 2pm. Excuses, excuses, right?

In good news, I'm going to be in another play. Copenhagen by Michael Frayn at Sycamore Rouge. This is part of their Six Blocks Series. Directors apply to do plays in their theatre with no set and minimal props, costumes, etc. They only use 6 acting blocks. I LOVE this idea as I am a minimalist at heart. I'll be playing Maragethe Bohr, wife to the legendary Niels Bohr. Little older than I, but I've been known to play older, more regal characters than myself. I'm excited and hope you'll come see it. The reason I bring it up is that rehearsals are the number one reason I don't eat correctly and at the right times of day. I'm going to have to really plan ahead, or starve. Starving is never a good option, so I'm going to having to hike up my big girl drawers and forge ahead.

Go team!

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